Free Shipping

30-Day Return Policy

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Key information:

  • 30 days to return the items
  • 5 days to process the refund
  • no restocking fee
  • customer is responsible for return shipping

Return process
Have you changed your mind and decided to return the items? To start the return process, please send us an email first to After you receive our confirmation, please pack the items in its original packaging with all the tags attached. You should send the items using appropriate shipping company that provides the tracking as you are responsible for the items until they reach our warehouse, also, you have to cover the return shipping costs. 

When we receive the return package, we will inspect it and refund your money within 3-5 business days via the originally used payment method.

Have you changed your mind and want to cancel your order? You can do so by emailing us within 6 hours from the time you placed the order. 

Delayed orders
Due to many occurrences (such as peak holiday time, Christmas,..) your delivery can be delayed, unfortunately there's nothing we can do, just give us additional 3 days for the delivery. If you order does not arrive by then, please contact our customer support and we will find out what is going on for you.

Defective or wrong product
We apologize if your product was damaged during transportation or if you have received a wrong items. If this happens, please take photos of the issue and contact us as soon as possible. We will sort out the problem for you. Bear in mind, that if you decide to send us back the items, you are responsible for covering any return shipping fees,


Business information
1 Masham Road, Wetherby Road, Harrogate
HG2 8QF Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Company number: 02659174

Phone: +31 6 49751685

Business Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM